[RMCProfile-users] invalid memory reference

Poree Victor Alexis (PSI) victor.poree at psi.ch
Thu Apr 11 08:05:44 BST 2019

Dear all,

I am currently in the third tutorial of RMC-Profile.

I ran the line 'rmcprofile rmcsf6_190k’ and got a normal output on the terminal until these lines:

Chi^2/dof        =   831.9

 Expt  Bragg Chi^2/npts                               =   2394.
 Expt  1: Renorm     1.0000  Constant = 0.0000  Chi**2/nq =   565.1
 Expt  2: Renorm     1.0000  Constant = 0.0000  Chi**2/nq =   114.7

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x11507e3fc
#1  0x11507d793
#2  0x7fff6d6dab5c
#3  0x10fc92aa9
#4  0x10fd5f8ae
#5  0x10fc0f940
#6  0x10fe2a1de
Segmentation fault: 11

I check and no .out file has been generated. Did someone face the same issue?

Best regards,

Victor Porée
Paul Scherrer Institut
Victor Porée
WHGA 142
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villligen PSI
Phone: +41 56 310 36 23
victor.poree at psi.ch<mailto:victor.poree at psi.ch>

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